[Above] The 2nd & 3rd set of Faerie Wings (for my daughters, Mandy & Taryn). The 4th & 5th were for my ex-wife
& youngest daughter, Ember (the black faerie & the white faerie, respectively). My daughters tended to play in their
wings a lot as well, which proved to me that they're quite resilient & fairly comfortable as well as being pretty!

To the right, sketches of my hard-to-photograph armors. The left one is the succubus costume which is in possession of the
owner, Carolyn Rachel Graves. The right one is mine and needs more professional photographs to capture it.

[Above] My wife and our friend Wendy Musitano at Texas Renaissance Festival. These gowns were both finished in late-night
panics, but ended up looking great.
[Right] My dad playing "The King" at my wedding. The tunic w/attached faux chainmail hood & crown are original designs.
The crown is aluminum & started out as a flower basket! It had to be cut open to accomodate his head & trimmed with fur.
I'm especially proud of the quilted, studded top (seen in bottom insert)!
[Wedding Photos by Tad Browning]

[Above] The ushers at my wedding, Sandi DeSorcie & Rob Vranich. Sandi's bodice, blouse & skirt were from a pattern.
Rob's tunic is an original. The emblem is The Raven from his namesake.

[Above] My costume for my wedding. The shirt, doublet, boot decorations, cloak, sash, & sword sheath are ALL original
