This is what it looks like inside my head... |
Hi, I'm Jay French...
Well, not really. That's just my company name! I was born in Kansas long, long ago, a half-cajun mid-westerner.
I spent most of my childhood in San Antonio, Texas, but went through high school in Colorado, mostly in Estes Park (very pretty
but very cold). after graduating in '86 I moved to Austin and have pretty much lived here since.

Me & my bride, Laura at Renaissance Festival |
There, that's the origin. My adult life I've spent rushing into
marriages before I knew what I was doing (I'm a die-hard romantic). Now I've gotten it right with Laura, the woman I've been
with for over 14 years. My past blessed me with three wonderful daughters, however, Amanda, Taryn and Ember (28, 27 and 22).
As for my art... it's as much a part of me as my face or my hands!
There's no denying the genetic origins, my mother was an artist, her father was an artist, and my daughters are artists.
The weirdest part is that we all concentrate on the human figure, even though our styles are very different. Taryn now
has a degree in 3D animation and Ember has an ability with color and form that I didn't develop for another 10 years from
the age she is.

My beautiful girls: Amanda, Taryn, & Ember |
But, jealousy aside, I began signing my artwork Jay French when I was
about 12. Mostly because no one could spell or pronounce my real name. Years later, when it came time to get a DBA, that
seemed the most logical answer. My first "professional" work was at age 12 when I designed a logo for "The Eye Guy", an optometrist
friend of the family. At 16 I began designing tourist buttons for a local souvenir shop and a logo and a banner for a bowling
tournament. It all went from there.

Doing Character Sketches at a Halloween show |
One of the most frustrating things to others is that I always knew what I wanted to do with my life.
I never had to ponder what occupation was interesting or made me happy. Art was too much a part of me. That works in the
broad term as well, for I've dabbled in about every form of the arts: writing fiction, writing music, playing music, singing,
dancing, acting, fashion design, costuming, interior decorating, party decoration, make-up, sculpture in many forms, etc.
and so forth.
So here I am, with over 24 years under my belt in freelance art,
over 12 years as a staff designer, over 400 companies I've produced professional art for, reaching all the way to Australia
and back, and probably twice as many private clients. I even created, wrote, illustrated and self-published a graphic
novel. But now I've arrived at the place it all directed, as a full-time freelance artist. I have a number of
people to thank for this.

My critters: Heather, Hidey, Ianto & Bellatrixy Hobbitses |
Whether this is the summit of my accomplishments, or just the beginning, I am now where I was meant to
be. There is no better way to sum up who I am in one word. I'm an artist.Thanks for reading!

Me hard at work... in the rain. |